The difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization

When you hear the word "high-end" when customizing a high-end T-shirt, it feels obvious that the price is relatively expensive. Of course, there must be a difference in customization prices between high-end T-shirts and regular T-shirts, but quality cannot be judged by price, otherwise you will fall into the trap of "high-end".   Only by knowing the difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization can one avoid being trapped by "high-end" traps. The so-called "high-end" always refers to quality, not appearance. Nowadays, some so-called high-end T-shirts are customized with fashionable styles and high-end visual effects, especially with superb photography and photo editing techniques. Coupled with the term "high-end T-shirt customization", many enterprises are trapped, but when they actually get them, the difference is far. How to avoid falling into the trap of "high-end T-shirt customization"

What are the precautions for customizing T-shirts for team uniforms?

 What details need to be paid attention to when customizing team T-shirts? Some individual users choose customization for their personal needs, and many companies also customize group uniforms in order to increase employees' recognition and sense of belonging. Customization has become the choice of more and more companies and individuals. There are many aspects that need to be paid attention to when customizing T-shirts. There are many factors that affect the quality of customizing team uniform T-shirts. Next, we will take stock of what to pay attention to when customizing team uniform T-shirts.

First, make a good positioning

The purpose of the team uniform T-shirt has a great impact on the team uniform T-shirt customization. For example, whether the T-shirt is customized for casual wear or for work activities, and what special functions the T-shirt customization needs. Different styles have different uses. Round-neck T-shirts are generally used for events, and are also used as gifts to customers when promoting products. Lapel team uniform T-shirts are used as work clothing for corporate employees, so the purpose of customized team uniform T-shirts must be well positioned first.

Second, fabric selection

Fabrics also have a great impact on the customization of team T-shirts. Faced with the wide variety of fabrics on the market, how to choose fabrics is a difficult problem that needs to be faced in the T-shirt customization process. There are many kinds of materials for customized team uniform T-shirts. We can simply divide them into three types: pure cotton, polyester cotton, and polyester yarn. Of course, the quality of cotton is better, which is mainly reflected in aspects such as sweat absorption and exhaust.

Third, color selection

Color has a great influence on the visual effect of customized team uniform T-shirts, such as color matching, main color selection, etc. Different people and groups should have their own theme tone. The color aspect can fully consider factors such as the group logo, the main color of the product, and the target customer group. Good color matching can make customized T-shirts have their due charm.


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