The difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization

When you hear the word "high-end" when customizing a high-end T-shirt, it feels obvious that the price is relatively expensive. Of course, there must be a difference in customization prices between high-end T-shirts and regular T-shirts, but quality cannot be judged by price, otherwise you will fall into the trap of "high-end".   Only by knowing the difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization can one avoid being trapped by "high-end" traps. The so-called "high-end" always refers to quality, not appearance. Nowadays, some so-called high-end T-shirts are customized with fashionable styles and high-end visual effects, especially with superb photography and photo editing techniques. Coupled with the term "high-end T-shirt customization", many enterprises are trapped, but when they actually get them, the difference is far. How to avoid falling into the trap of "high-end T-shirt customization"

The American people’s passion for fishing has spawned a $300 million fly fishing apparel market

 Fishing clothing has a large market size, first of all because the sport of fishing has a broad audience base in European and American countries.

According to data from the 2020 U.S. Fishing Industry Survey Report, the number of people participating in fishing activities over the age of 6 in the United States exceeded 50.1 million in 2019, accounting for approximately 15% of the total population, which is a record high since 2007. And this is the data before the epidemic. After the epidemic, the fishing community has experienced another wave of growth due to the boom in outdoor sports.

People's enthusiasm for fishing has naturally spawned related industries, and fishing clothing is one of them. According to data from Grand View Research, the market size of clothing and equipment for "fly fishing" in the United States alone will reach US$1.2 billion in 2022, of which clothing accounts for about a quarter, roughly It is estimated to be around US$300 million. For comparison, the golf apparel market, which is also an aristocratic sport, has a global scale of US$834 million in 2020. If it is specifically broken down into the US market, the scale may be similar to the fly fishing apparel market. If expanded to the fishing category, Probably not as big as the fishing apparel market.

It can be seen that, taking the U.S. market as an example, the fishing clothing consumer group is large enough and the market size of fishing clothing also has large room for growth. In theory, fishing clothing brands can see certain opportunities in such a market. This is also the reason why readers choose to go to sea. However, when the author did some research on the overseas fishing clothing market (this article focuses on the US market), I found that this is a "slightly old-fashioned" market.

Based on public information, the author found 10 leading fishing clothing brands in the US market. In particular, when doing statistics, the author’s filtering rule is brands that “mainly produce fishing clothing”. Therefore, in this process, some brands that mainly make fishing gear but also sell fishing clothing, as well as some attention-grabbing brands, are screened out. A brand for general outdoor use (including hunting, camping, etc.).

From the establishment time column, we can see that most of these leading fishing brands in the US market were established before 2011. Among them, AFTCO, the leading and most professional brand in the US, was established in 1958. has been established, and Grundens, a brand from Switzerland, was established in 1926. Judging from the products of some brands, it is also the middle-aged uncle style that is mainly black and white.

The fishing clothing market looks old-fashioned, which is directly related to the consumer groups in this market. Whether it is a stereotype or real data, it can be proved that the main group of fishermen is middle-aged and elderly men. According to a data survey by Research Gate, even though fishing is getting younger and younger, 66.8% of American anglers will still be over 35 years old by 2050.

The user group of middle-aged and elderly men is more interested in "classics" than "new trends", so they are less interested in emerging brands, which also hinders the development of emerging brands.

What's more, the fishing clothing category itself leaves limited space for innovation by emerging brands. Fishing is a sport that is exposed to wind and sun, and sometimes involves trekking through mountains and rivers. The nature of this sport determines that when consumers buy fishing clothing, their requirements for sun protection, waterproofing and other properties are higher than other selling points. of. When the author was investigating several fishing clothing brands, I also noticed that most brands would display performance as the main selling point in the most conspicuous position on their official websites.

However, the professional characteristics of “high performance” often require brands to have certain accumulation in R&D technology, supply chain, etc. In this regard, it is obvious that brands with relatively long-term research and development and production of outdoor clothing have greater advantages. So we can see Columbia and even under amour launching their own line of fishing apparel. For a mature sports brand, it is relatively easy to make a track-type clothing product and obtain good sales by relying on its own brand awareness. However, for an emerging brand, it is faced with very high professional requirements. In the market, it is more difficult to complete this thing from 0 to 1.

In addition, the fishing clothing market is very fragmented, and at least compared to scrubs for medical staff, fishing clothing is not a rigid necessity for fishing enthusiasts. When the weather is hot, it is not uncommon for people to fish shirtless.

Characteristics such as non-rigid needs, strong requirements for professional performance, and fragmented market structure all determine that new fishing clothing brands entering the market need a relatively long time to settle down, not only to ensure the most basic performance as fishing clothing, but also to ensure that the brand is practical. On the basis of integrating "personality". The personality of a brand is particularly important in a track with many players and serious homogeneity. According to the author's observation of several brands surveyed above, there are also some brands that have found a niche in the very "straight man" track of fishing clothing. way to be remembered.

Speak out for sustainability and become a must-have for brands

Americans love sea fishing, and sea fishing is inseparable from marine ecology.

According to the author's observation, many brands have added "sustainability" and "protection of the marine environment" to their brand concepts. Some brands rely on direct actions, while others use their products to speak for themselves.

The protection of the marine environment of AFTCO, a brand established in 1958, is mainly reflected in donations to public welfare organizations related to marine protection. On AFTCO’s official website, you can see a list of AFTCO’s donation partners. According to reports, AFTCO will donate 10% of its profits every year to protect the sustainable development of fisheries.

In fact, whether a brand is "sustainable" in terms of environmental protection has indeed attracted much attention in overseas markets. From a consumer perspective, according to a survey by retail analysis company First Insight, more than two-thirds of consumers said they are willing to pay a 10% premium for sustainable products or brands; from a capital perspective, Even if overall investment slows down, brands focusing on sustainability are still attracting capital attention. Brands in categories such as environmentally friendly shoes and sustainable shampoos all received financing last year. For a category like fishing clothing that is closely related to the marine environment, actively speaking out on environmental protection is both a plus and a must.

As mentioned above, fishing clothing has high performance requirements, and new brands need a certain period of research and development and accumulation before they can compete with old brands in terms of products. However, another special feature of fishing is that, depending on the fishing method, environment and even the type of fishing, there are many subcategories under the sport of fishing, and each subcategory can give birth to newer and newer categories. Vertical needs.

According to reports, JOJO&FISH, a brand that has recently received financing and will be launched this fall, is interested in one type of fishing, "fly fishing". This fishing method is especially popular among American fishing enthusiasts. Different from the traditional fishing method, fly fishing usually uses fake bait to attract fish to take the bait, and pays more attention to the "throwing" technique, because fishermen need to simulate the state of small fish falling into the water and swimming in the water, in order to This will attract big fish to take the bait.

According to founder Zeng Xiaojun, the company's idea is to first seize the fly fishing track, which is highly professional and does not have many professional brands entering the market. After forming the recognition of "the number one brand of fly fishing apparel", it will then go to Expansion of other categories. However, readers are not the only ones paying attention to this track. In March last year, Skwala, a brand from Montana in the United States, also chose to enter the field with fly fishing clothing. Judging from its products, the main products also focus on performance (the emphasis is waterproof) rather than fashionable.

However, the brand is still in its infancy. Data from similarweb shows that the brand’s official website has only received about 10,000 visits in the past three months. But in any case, in the field of fly fishing clothing, there are already brands waiting for JOJO&FISH, which has not yet been officially launched.

In addition to brands with fly fishing as their main entry point, there are also strike brands that add snow fishing apparel and Bassaholics, a brand that focuses on bass fishing. Overall, each brand provides clothing products for more subdivided fishing methods, scenes, etc. Compared with the most mainstream fishing clothing, there is no essential difference (waterproof, multi-pockets, etc.), but more for subdivided scenes. Make some minor adjustments to meet new requirements. However, when the brands in the market are homogenized, the brand can position itself in a relatively new way, which can become a kind of brand marketing. It can attract some users through such a point of difference and then expand the scale. This is a good thing for emerging brands. A more friendly way of playing.

The reason why overseas fishing clothing deserves attention is not only because overseas consumers have very strong purchasing power for fishing products, but also because there are Chinese teams with rich industry experience entering this track. However, through our observation and analysis, we also found that the vertical clothing market is not as highly concentrated and easy to innovate as medical clothing. Emerging brands need to find a new entry point and incorporate a certain amount of humanistic care. However, Reader’s accumulation of supply chain in the previous brand OEM business, as well as the brand’s strategy of “first niche, then fashion” and “first professional, then fashion”, we can see that the brand is relatively safe.

Stonesportswear is a professional fishing clothing custom wholesale factory, welcome everyone to come for consultation.


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