
The difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization

When you hear the word "high-end" when customizing a high-end T-shirt, it feels obvious that the price is relatively expensive. Of course, there must be a difference in customization prices between high-end T-shirts and regular T-shirts, but quality cannot be judged by price, otherwise you will fall into the trap of "high-end".   Only by knowing the difference between high-end T-shirt customization and regular T-shirt customization can one avoid being trapped by "high-end" traps. The so-called "high-end" always refers to quality, not appearance. Nowadays, some so-called high-end T-shirts are customized with fashionable styles and high-end visual effects, especially with superb photography and photo editing techniques. Coupled with the term "high-end T-shirt customization", many enterprises are trapped, but when they actually get them, the difference is far. How to avoid falling into the trap of "high-end T-shirt customization"

What are the characteristics of sportswear

 Abstract: With the prevalence of sports style, sportswear is no longer an exclusive clothing during exercise. More and more tide people prefer sportswear and enjoy the comfort of sportswear brought by sportswear. There are many advantages of sportswear, which can make people feel more comfortable during exercise, and there are many benefits to wear sportswear daily. So what are the characteristics of sportswear? What are the functions of sportswear? Here are a few aspects to introduce you to everyone. What are the characteristics of sportswear 1. Comfortability Sportswear usually uses soft, breathable and delayed materials to ensure that the wearer feels comfortable in exercise. These materials help absorb sweat and maintain body mildness to reduce skin friction. 2. Wetness and sweat Sportsfits are usually designed to quickly absorb sweat and discharge it to the surface of the material to keep them dry. This helps to avoid discomfort caused by wet body during exercise. 3. breathabilit

Which material of the fabric of sportswear is good

 Summary: exercise is an important way to maintain health, and the appropriate sportswear material can have a positive impact on exercise. Different exercise requires different clothing materials. When buying sportswear, consider the type of exercise, season and personal preferences, and choose the most suitable material. Whether it is high -intensity exercise or relaxed leisure activities, suitable sportswear can make you more confident and comfortable in exercise. So which material is good for sportswear fabrics? I will answer the following. Which material of the fabric of sportswear is good 1. Polyester Polyester is one of the most common sportswear fabrics. It has excellent moisture absorption and dried performance, which can quickly absorb sweat from the skin to the surface of the fabric, which helps keep the body dry. Polyester fabrics are usually light, durable and not easy to wrinkle. 2. Nylon Nylon is another commonly used sportswear fabric, which has the characteristics of we

Which trademark category of sportswear trademarks? What kind of sportswear trademark belongs

 How to choose a trademark category of sportswear registered brand trademarks? When registering sportswear brand trademarks, you can consider choosing the 25th trademark. In the classification of trademarks, different commodities or services are attributed to different categories in order to better manage and protect trademark rights and facilitate consumers to distinguish the brands corresponding to different types of products or services. Trademarks, the following information can be for your reference. The trademark registration of sportswear can be considered to choose different trademark categories. The specific selected trademark category depends on the functions and uses of sportswear, as well as your business business scope. Here are some common trademark categories that may be applicable to sportswear trademarks: Class 25 of trademark categories: clothing, shoes, hat. Similar group number: 2501 clothing Commodity/service items: sportswear, sportswear, sportswear suits, backbone

Anza Hand Hands International Olympic Movement has become the International Olympic Committee sports clothing supplier

 The International Olympic Committee held a ceremony at the Lausanne International Olympic Museum in Switzerland and officially announced that Anta became the official sports clothing supplier of the International Olympic Committee. Chinese sports brand. The International Olympic Community was held on October 29, 2019 at the Lausanne International Olympic Museum on October 29, 2019 and officially announced that Anta would become the official sports clothing supplier of the International Olympic Committee until the end of 2022. This is another important milestone of the official partner of the Chinese Olympic Games and the official mileage of the International Olympic Movement in 2009 to become the official partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee from 2009 to 2024 and the official partner of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games in 2022. Essence As the first Chinese sports brand that cooperates with the International Olympic Committee, Anta will further integrate

How to choose a supplier for shirt ordering

In recent years, the style of clothing customization has quietly risen. From the head of state to the celebrities, from the celebrities of the commodity inspection to the daily wear of the workplace, they all quietly put on custom clothes. The reason why clothing customization is mainly due to higher gas and more detailed service spirit. So what are the standards for good shirt custom manufacturers? Shirt customization process, product plan, fabric, design, cutting, sewing, ironing, clothing inspection, later is packaging, a finished shirt is released like this. 1) Shirt should know how to fit. "Degree" is important. It is appropriate to not study it carefully, and it is difficult to find the "degree" that is suitable for yourself. The suggestions of tailoring must be listened, but you can only make reference, because most tailors really do not understand this "degree". 2), what style do you have to know is in line with custom culture. Customization is a d

Notes on shirt customization

The shirt is a costume that makes men show charm. The style, color, craftsmanship, and role of shirts are extremely difficult to replace in clothing. This time, the editor to share with you what you need to pay attention to when you customize the shirt customization. 1), you should know how to fit. "Degree" is important. It is appropriate to not study it carefully, and it is difficult to meet your needs. The suggestions of tailoring must be listened, but you can only make reference, because most tailors really do not understand this "degree". The tailor that really understands, you don't necessarily think he understands -because you don't understand. l Regarding the overall personal degree: The fat person should be loose and tight, that is, to avoid tightness, and avoid looseness and fat. If the body is moderate, you must cut it closely, so that you look at the body's lines and spirit, and the customized fan is also sufficient. Items l About the shoulder

Future Trends and Prospects of Customized Clothing Design (Understanding Innovative Directions in the Field of Customized Clothing Design)

 The future trends and prospects of custom clothing design are mainly included in the following innovation directions: 1. Digitalization and intelligence: With the continuous progress of technology, digitalization and intelligence have become an important trend in custom clothing design. By using three -dimensional scanning, virtual trial, intelligent design software and other technologies, customers can make personalized customization online to save time and cost. At the same time, intelligent technology can also achieve accurate tailor -made and predictive analysis, improve the fit and design satisfaction of clothing. 2. Sustainable and environmental protection: In the context of global attention to sustainable development and environmental protection, custom clothing design has gradually moved towards sustainability and environmental protection. By using renewable materials, recycling and using old objects and low -carbon production, the green transformation of customized clothing d

International cutting-edge design trends in the field of fashion design

In modern society, clothing is no longer just a necessity of people's life, but also an important carrier to show personality and taste. The field of clothing design is also constantly promoted, and more and more design trends have emerged, and these trends have also led the development of the global clothing industry. This article will analyze and discuss the international frontier design trends in the field of clothing design from five angles. text 1. Sustainable development and green design With the increasing awareness of environmental protection in the world, sustainable development has become a trend in today's era. The design of clothing is no exception. More and more designers have begun to pay attention to the use of environmental protection materials, and adopt the concept of green design to advocate a safe and healthy lifestyle. For example, using natural dyes to dye, use biodegradable materials to make clothing, which is the so -called "ecological fashion"

Geopolitical situation, four trends in global textile trade

 A recent study in the 2023 Review of World Trade Statistics and data from the United Nations (UNComtrade) shows that there are some interesting trends in international trade, especially in the fields of textiles and clothing, influenced by increasing geopolitical tensions and changes in trade policies with China. Foreign research has found that there are four distinct trends in global trade compared to the past. Firstly, after an unprecedented frenzy of purchasing and a sharp growth of 20% in 2021, clothing exports experienced a decline in 2022. This may be attributed to the economic slowdown and high inflation in the major clothing import markets of the United States and Western Europe. In addition, the reduced demand for raw materials required for the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) has led to a 4.2% decrease in global textile exports in 2022, reaching $339 billion. This number is far lower than other industries. The second scenario is that although China remains t

Clothing customization enterprises are breaking through with e-commerce one after another

 According to reports, the biggest pain point for clothing customization companies is not sales or profit, but inventory. It is understood that 80% of small and medium-sized clothing customization enterprises have varying degrees of inventory, and some enterprises even have inventory exceeding 50%. High inventory almost drives enterprises to bankruptcy. Faced with inventory approaching the warning line, clothing customization enterprises have turned to e-commerce platforms in the hope of using them to overcome difficulties and break through the encirclement. The clothing industry is facing a series of problems In recent years, the traditional business model of the clothing industry has faced significant challenges. Clothing customization enterprises have generally encountered problems such as tight cash flow, declining profits, and prominent dealer conflicts. Closing stores, discounts, and clearing inventory have become the most direct manifestations. China is the world's largest c